Monday 27 October 2008

It's party time

The clocks have fallen back, the nights are drawing in, the goose is getting fat. It can mean only one thing. The round of Christmas press parties is almost upon us.

For the past few years I haven't really bothered with press parties, the allure of free booze wore off (I know, unbelievable - I remember, as a young whipper snapper, I'd go to every party I could and stay to the bitter end, drinking everything in sight. My then editor said I'd get bored, I said "never". She was right). Still, this year, what with the credit crunch n'all I might get myself along to a few.

One agency is having its pre-Xmas party at some pretentious Soho venue soon. The suggested dress code is "stylish and elegant".

I dunno, maybe tech press parties have changed a bit during my years out in the cold. Perhaps tech hacks no longer turn up wearing old jumpers carrying free satchels from conferences. Maybe they don't stuff their faces with canapes and get drunk guzzling down as much bottled lager as they can before making what can only be described as hopelessly ill-judged passes at girls that are only talking to them because they have to.

I'm going to have to carry out a full review of my wardrobe if I want to be stylish and elegant at this year's yuletide bashes.

Better get myself off to Primark for a new jumper.

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